With online TV at your disposal, getting international news round the clock becomes very convenient. While the older generation may prefer a morning dose of printed news, the new generations demand the latest updates. This has created a demand for online TV channels and news blogs. From international news to local coverage you can find everything online. With the basic PC TV software you can surf thousands of channels. You require a high-speed internet connection which is available to anyone owning a laptop or PC. Hence you get access to 24/7 breaking news in real-time. The channels start reporting events as they happen. This means that you can get your hourly, mid day or days end news fix as desired.
The main advantage of getting the current global news online is privacy. You choose what channel to watch and when to watch it. You don't have to be stuck at a coffee shop or family lounge and get snippets on an area of your interest. With online TV you can simply stream videos or check of the news blogs. It becomes very convenient especially for those who need facts from the news. There are high quality international news blog posts which are updated in real-time.