Forums » Discussions » The global chip shortage is beginning to affect the smartphone industry.


The global computer chip shortage affects everything from cars to video game consoles. And the smartphone seems next on the list.slot

Semiconductors are in short supply this year. due to many reasons including factory closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the growing demand for consumer electronics.

Automakers were particularly affected by the shortage. Companies such as General Motors and Ford have reduced or halted production of some vehicles.Video game consoles were also affected. with gamers struggling to cope with the new Microsoft Xbox Series X and Sony PlayStation 5 systems.

So far, smartphones have been protected from most impacts. Because manufacturers like Apple and Samsung have wrapped up their essential components.Ben Wood, chief analyst at CCS Insight, said: “The automotive industry is not running at the same pace as the smartphone business. “They see problems more slowly than smartphones.”

Automakers rely on older, bigger chips, while phone makers use the latest processors, Wood said. Smartphones are also sold in much higher quantities than cars. Make it the preferred customer of the supplier.meanwhile “Smartphone companies don't reduce chip demand like the automotive sector they do when they expect demand for cars to decline


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