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Which action enables the evaluation of a supplier for a preferred status level?
Answer: A
Your customer wants to include a question as a search filter. Which option do you use when setting up the question?
Answer: C
A supplier is invited to start a qualification. Which activity does the supplier perform first before appearing in Qualified status?
Answer: B
You need to use the SM Administration area to configure integration between SAP Ariba Supplier Lifecycle and Performance and an external system. Which system group do you require?
Answer: A
Which project type can be upgraded to the latest version of the template? Note: There are 2 correct answer to this question
Answer: B,C
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C-ARSUM-2208 Top Dumps: https://www.actualtestsquiz.com/C-ARSUM-2208-test-torrent.html
P.S. Free 2023 SAP C-ARSUM-2208 dumps are available on Google Drive shared by ActualTestsQuiz: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1WhRfAVk16O3tdemDMAMY-9pfZrr22wdC