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You can _______________ your data to combine two or more tables by appending values (rows) from one table to another
Answer: C
You can union your data to combine two or more tables by appending values (rows) from one table to another.
To union your data in Tableau data source, the tables must come from the same connection.
For example, suppose you have the following customer purchase information stored in three tables, separated by month. The table names are "May2016," "June2016," and "July2016."
A union of these tables creates the following single table that contains all rows from all tables.
Using the CoffeeChain table, create a crosstab showing the Total Expenses per State and add Column Grand Totals to the view. Now group the states of New York, California and Washington. What percent of the total sales does this group contribute?
Answer: A
We need to use the concept of Groups for this question. Follow along:
1) First, Drag State to the Rows shelf, and Total Expenses to the Text Mark on the Marks Shelf:
2) Now, remove the SUM aggregation from Total Expenses, and add a quick table calculation -> Percent of total:
3) Next, Select the States of New York, California and Washington -> And then click the paperclip icon:
We can see the answer already : 23.386% in the view above (even before grouping!)
4) Finally, we get the following view and our answer:
Which of the following returns the Absolute Value of a given number?
Answer: C
From the official Tableau website:
When using Animations in a Tableau, which of the following is the default duration for animations?
Answer: B
The LATEST Tableau Desktop Sepcialist exam blueprint now requires you to know some basics about animations as well!
NOTE: Animations are DISABLED by default and must be manually enabled.
You can also reset all settings to default by clickin on 'Reset All'
Download the Dataset from: Using the Time Series Table, create a line chart to show Sales over time. Which Month and Year witnessed the lowest Sales?
Answer: A
Follow the steps to get the correct answer : January 2018
* We are talking about dates, so use the Time series sheet as follows:
* Next, the following should be your view and clearly, January 2018 is the lowest point:
Read more about dates:
Our company’s top Desktop-Specialist exam braindumps are meant to deliver you the best knowledge on this subject. If you study with our Desktop-Specialist study guide, you will find that not only you can get the most professional and specialized skills to solve the problems in you dialy work, but also you can pass the exam without difficulty and achieve the certification. What is more, the prices of our Desktop-Specialist training engine are quite favorable.
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