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This objective will determine if you understand the role of IT frameworks, secure configuration guides, and best practices. Besides, it will also emphasize the skills listed below:
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The CompTIA SY0-501 exam content covers the following topics:
The CompTIA SY0-501 test consists of up to 90 questions and the students will have exactly 90 minutes to clear all of them. However, doing so may be a challenge even for an expert as the questions will be in multiple-choice and performance-based formats. The minimum passing score is 750 points (100-900). This exam can be taken in Simplified Chinese, Portuguese, Japanese, or English and costs $349 for US residents. Also, note that there is a newer version of this test available for taking, which has the same exam format and features but covers the advanced and updated content. It is coded, SY0-601, and starting November 12, 2020, will be launched to qualify students for the already mentioned CompTIA Security+ certification. For more information about this new exam and the entire Security+ learning path, you can visit the CompTIA website.
This objective is built around the following skills:
Which of the following types of penetration test will allow the tester to have access only to password hashes prior to the penetration test?
Answer: B
During a penetration test, the tester performs a preliminary scan for any responsive hosts. Which of the following BEST explains why the tester is doing this?
Answer: D
An attacker discovers a new vulnerability in an enterprise application. The attacker takes advantage of the
vulnerability by developing new malware. After installing the malware, the attacker is provided with access
to the infected machine.
Which of the following is being described?
Answer: C
While reviewing the security controls in place for a web-based application, a security controls assessor notices that there are no password strength requirements in place. Because of this vulnerability, passwords might be easily discovered using a brute force attack.
Which of the following password requirements will MOST effectively improve the security posture of the application against these attacks? (Select two)
Answer: A,F
A security administrator discovers that an attack has been completed against a node on the corporate network. All available logs were collected and stored.
You must review all network logs to discover the scope of the attack, check the box of the node(s) that have been compromised and drag and drop the appropriate actions to complete the incident response on the network. The environment is a critical production environment; perform the LEAST disruptive actions on the network, while still performing the appropriate incid3nt responses.
Instructions: The web server, database server, IDS, and User PC are clickable. Check the box of the node (s) that have been compromised and drag and drop the appropriate actions to complete the incident response on the network. Not all actions may be used, and order is not important. If at any time you would like to bring back the initial state of the simulation, please select the Reset button. When you have completed the simulation, please select the Done button to submit. Once the simulation is submitted, please select the Next button to continue.
Answer: **
See the solution below.
Database server was attacked, actions should be to capture network traffic and Chain of Custody.
IDS Server Log:
Web Server Log:
Database Server Log:
Users PC Log:
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