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VMware 5V0-42.21 Practice Exam Software For Windows Users

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VMware 5V0-42.21 Exam Syllabus Topics:

Topic Details
Topic 1
  • Given a Gateway deployment scenario, identify the deployment steps
  • Identify how HIgh Availability is configured in VMware SD-WAN architecture

Topic 2
  • Given a business policies requirement scenario, identify which link steering method should be used
  • Identify how SDN relates to the VMware SD-WAN technology

Topic 3
  • Given a scenario, identify how to design SD-WAN to meet the customer's requirements
  • Identify the roles of key components of the VMware SD-WAN in the SD-WAN architecture

Topic 4
  • Given a customer scenario, identify which Partner Gateway redundancy should be chosen
  • VMware SD-WAN by VeloCloud Architecture

Topic 5
  • Given a business policies requirement scenario, identify how to direct internet traffic
  • Identify Edge HA options and operations

Topic 6
  • Given a scenario about managing Edges, identify the required configuration that should be used
  • Identify the benefits and key differentiators of VMware SD-WAN

Topic 7
  • Given a application, identify the criteria VMware SD-WAN uses to identify the application
  • Identify the functionality of the SD-WAN Gateway handoff implemenation

Topic 8
  • Identify the various modes of deployment for the VMware SD-WAN architecture
  • Identify use cases of VMware SD-WAN

Topic 9
  • Given a scenario about managing a Gateway, identify the required configuaration that should be used
  • Identify the form factors for VMware SD-WAN in the SD-WAN architecture

VMware SD-WAN Design and Deploy Skills Sample Questions (Q28-Q33):

Company A has recently acquired Company B and needs to establish network connectivity. Company A has only Cisco for firewalls and VPN. Company B is using VMware SD-WAN.
Which VMware SD-WAN Cloud VPN solution should an administrator configure to establish connectivity?

  • A. Branch to Branch VPN
  • B. Branch to Main Office VPN
  • C. Branch to SD-WAN Hub
  • D. Branch to Non VMware SD-WAN Site.

Answer: D
A customer would like to ensure that the traffic towards the Partner Gateway does not exceed a certain bandwidth.
Which feature should be used?

  • A. Enable the rate limit under a new custom Business Policy Rule.
  • B. Change the application priority to low.
  • C. Modify the SD WAN Traffic Class and Weight Mapping
  • D. Enable the SD-WAN Overlay Rate-Limit.

Answer: B
A customer would like to use a VNF firewall on the VMware SU-WAN 600 series Edge.
Where do the Edge firewallrules of the VNF apply?

  • A. Underlay
  • B. Overlay
  • C. WAN side
  • D. LAN side

Answer: C
A customer has a hybrid VMware SD-WAN deployment and wants to use the SD-WAN Service Reachable feature on the private WAN.
What is the main dependency that must be met for the feature to work?

  • A. Internet reachability via the private WAN
  • B. Gateway IPs must be routed in the overlay
  • C. Default route learned via dynamic routing
  • D. Static mute for gateway IPs on the edge

Answer: C
Which feature is required to prevent a split-brain condition for a branch in an Enhanced HA

  • A. SD-WAN Service Reachable on the private overlay
  • B. Split Brain Detection
  • C. Cloud VPN
  • D. VRRP

Answer: A
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