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Structure and Content of the Thesis

So, the last semester of the graduation group. What are the students doing here? You can see them at the university, but rarely. For the last 4-5 months, essay writing service are given time to write a diploma, when there are no couples, but at the same time, various consultations can take place on graduation projects, upcoming State Educational Standards, graduation balls, etc.

Writing a WRC is the final frontier of every student. The further success of the author depends on the quality of the project, both in defense, in employment and in life in general. Therefore, this task must be approached with maximum responsibility and attention.

Basic principles of WRC structuring

80% of success in writing a thesis, regardless of the chosen topic and specialty, lies in the correct structuring of the project. Yes, yes, it is the structure and content of the WRC that set the pace of work: what, where, when and how should be considered and reflected, what moments and to what extent will be covered, etc. When structuring a project, consider the following factors:

WRC volume

This parameter may differ for bachelors and masters, specialists. Moreover, each university has the right to set its own volume requirements, but they should not be more or less than the standard ones. On average, a write my paper Bachelor's FQ is 60-70 pages, a Master's FQ is 60-80 pages of printed text.

Project design

Not only the final mark and admission to protection, but also the amount of work may depend on the design of the project. If the author initially takes into account margins, indents and other “design” nuances, then at the stage of forming the “draft” he will receive a work that is 60-70% closer to the final version.

Quantity and quality of primary sources

When writing a WRC, it is important to select only reliable and substantiated materials that will form the basis of the study. There may be about 3-5 of them. The remaining 15-20-30 are intended only to dilute the project, to supplement it.


As a rule, each university for each specialty issues a special document called “guidelines”, which reflects all the basic requirements for work. It also describes the general structure of the WRC: title page, abstract, task for the WRC, table of contents, introduction, main part, conclusion, list of references, applications.

It should be noted that additional requirements are imposed on the content and design of each of the WRC elements. In particular, in order for the topic to be evenly disclosed, it is important to adhere to the following help do my essay rules step by step: all subparagraphs should be approximately the same length, a similar requirement applies to chapters.

The fundamental principles in structuring the WRC are phased, coherent, consistent, logical and uniform. WRC structuring involves breaking down the topic into several structural elements, each of which will play its role and lead the reader to the next action, conclusion, etc. Under the structure in the “general” sense, you can consider the project plan, and the content is the material reflected in each part (subparagraph, chapter). It is important that the structure and content of the project do not contradict each other.

More resources:
The Role of Pre-defense in the Life of a Graduate
What Are Graduate Studies?
Why Do You Need to Understand the Types of Diploma Studies?
How to Emphasize the Research Problem in the Theoretical Part of the Work?
How to Emphasize the Problem in the Theoretical Part of the WRC?
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