Forums » Discussions » Steps to prepare for house painting


When you begin the steps of painting the outside portion of your house, there are some tricky things you must do yourself, if you choose not to hire house painters. It is important to prepare all surfaces that are to be painted prior to painting the external side of your house. Here are some helpful tips and guidelines that will assist you.

In order to prevent further damage to your home, you must thoroughly and carefully inspect the outside portion of your house, since you did not hire a professional house painter. Look for peeling, blistering and/or chalking on your own house. Water damage is apparent if the walls are discolored or rotten, and mold and mildew are also important to care for. Be sure to take the proper steps to prevent damage. You must have spent a great deal of time and effort on this project since you didn't seek a professional exterior house painter.

The house needs to be pressure washed to remove all dirt particles before you begin. It's imperative that the surface is clean before you begin. Once you've finished this step, it's normal to start making repairs. If you notice any damage, be sure to fix it immediately; however, most damages are visible afterwards. After you have completed these two steps, you can start scraping and sanding.

Apply a quality primer to the areas you intend to paint after scraping and sanding. As you go through this process, you may find chalk stains and potential leaks occur. Around the windows and doors are particular areas to pay attention to. Also, you might want to cover spots that you will not be painting. Make sure you do this correctly; otherwise, your paint job might not be of high quality. Get more info about House Painters Auckland.It is important to make sure the steps for preparing and repairing your home are all included in the contract proposal if you decide to hire professional house painters and believe it would be a better option. You will not have to hire a contractor to repair any damage done. If house painters are aware of the specific repairs needed, they can determine whether or not a building permit is needed.