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I was diagnosed with diabetes a few years ago and one of the first changes I had to make was wearing diabetic socks. At first, I didn't think they would make much of a difference, but boy was I wrong. Before wearing diabetic socks, my feet were always cold and numb. I also had frequent foot ulcers and blisters that took forever to heal. But once I started wearing these specialized socks, I noticed a significant improvement in the circulation and sensation in my feet. I no longer experienced any discomfort or pain while walking, and the ulcers became less frequent. The extra padding and seamless design of the socks also helped prevent any irritation or chafing on my sensitive skin. Overall, diabetic socks have been a game-changer for me. They have made living with diabetes much more manageable and have greatly improved the health of my feet. I am truly grateful for their impact on my daily life. socks