Forums » Discussions » Selling Your Home Via Instagram


With the Internet realm overflowing with social sharing sites like Facebook, Twitter, Vine and Pinterest, some may have overlooked the ability of a social resource to be more than just a personal space for individuals.

Instagram, though popular among the 21st century population, is one social resource whose marketing potential many tend to neglect. There are currently 150 million users or more in the Instagramverse. It lets you share photos straight from your mobile phone - really easy and convenient to use.

As a homeowner in this millennium, using Instagram to advertise your home the moment you feel the need to sell it makes for a wise and cost-efficient real estate marketing strategy.

What sets Instagram apart from other social media platforms is its photograph-centered interface. Hasn't the saying "a picture is worth a thousand words" already too cliché now? Cliché though it may be, that's exactly what Instagram is all about: to let the pictures speak for themselves.

Unfortunately for the real estate industry, it will take more practice and exposure before it finally warms up to and gets the full attention of Instagram junkies. There are only 98,681 photos that used the hashtag Realtor. Some may say this is a good number but still a far cry from the millions of photos hashtagged with sunrise, love or food.

Instagram has its own set of rules and regulations different from other social media platforms. Using this social resource to market your real estate property and such would require your thorough cooperation. Follow their rules, use them to your marketing advantage and try to avoid little bloopers that may cost you more than necessary.

  1. Keep it clean and organized.

When taking pictures of your house, make sure it is free from clutter. Clean every nook and cranny. Organize items and leave an impression of spaciousness and comfort. There is something about simplicity that attracts potential buyers. So try to simplify your layout. Once everything is all set, get a good shot and let these homely qualities shine through.

  1. Avoid taking pictures near a mirror or glass.

What's more horrific than taking a picture of a disorganized home? A photo with yourself visible in the mirror or glass panel. Whenever you get yourself into this situation, think twice before pressing the capture button. Avoid capturing photos when you are near a mirror, glass panel or any item that shows your reflection. This shot is all about the house you are selling.

  1. Enhance your pictures with relevant apps.

If your camera does a poor job of capturing the effects you want to achieve, then the trick is to use an application that will improve the quality of your photos. There are several photo-enhancing applications you can use that are not hard to maneuver. If Adobe Photoshop appears too complicated for you, you can use Photoscape, Microsoft Picture Editor and a host of other photo-enhancing applications available throughout the Internet. These apps let you edit your photo's brightness, contrast, size or pixels. You can even crop them and put frames. Simply choose whatever you deem appropriate.

  1. Use hashtags to your heart's content.

If it feels weird to you, then dispel all pre-conceived notions and start using hashtags in every house photo you intend to post. Applicable hashtags may include real estate, home, homeselling, house, property for sale, wherever city or state you reside in and the like. You may want to research further on hashtags commonly searched by homebuyers.

  1. Make sure your photos look professional.

Good photography is all there is to it. Be wary of bad angles, crooked shots and unnecessary items that tend to ruin what would have been a good view. Remember that Instagram is a photo-sharing platform quickfansandlikes and that you are marketing a house for the purpose of getting buyers. At the very least, share good pictures for the benefit of your potential homebuyers.


It's ok to post normal photos on Instagram but understand that by using the site's filters, you can entice more attention to your images. quickfansandlikes