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SCASLES15 Practice Braindumps | SCASLES15 Dump Collection

Our SCASLES15 test guide is test-oriented, which makes the preparation become highly efficient. Once you purchase our SCASLES15 exam material, your time and energy will reach a maximum utilization. Thus at that time, you would not need to afraid of the society and peer pressure with SCASLES15 Certification. In conclusion, a career enables you to live a fuller and safer life. So if you want to take an upper hand and get a well-pleasing career our SCASLES15 learning question would be your best friend.

SUSE SCA_SLES15 Exam Syllabus Topics:

Topic Details
Topic 1
  • Understand Background Processes
  • Understand the Shell Environment

Topic 2
  • Administration and Monitoring
  • Understand Privilege Delegation

Topic 3
  • Understand Filesystem Permissions
  • Understand Time Sync with chrony

Topic 4
  • Overview of SUSE Linux Enterprise
  • Understand Remote Administration with OpenSSH

Topic 5
  • Recognize Traditional Linux File Systems
  • Understand the Linux File Types

Topic 6
  • Getting Help at the Command Line
  • Understand Remote Administration with VNC

Topic 7
  • Understand the GRUB2 Boot Loader
  • Define and Describe systemd

Topic 8
  • Understand Compiling Software from Source
  • Understand the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS)

Topic 9
  • Understand Network Management with Wicked
  • Understand Software Management with Libzypp

Topic 10
  • Understand Process Administration
  • Flavors of SUSE Linux
  • Remote Administration

Topic 11
  • Configure Logical Volume Management (LVM)
  • Work with the Command Line

Topic 12
  • Understand the Boot Process
  • SLE Maintenance Model
  • Understand the Linux I
  • O Stack

SUSE Certified Administrator in Enterprise Linux 15 (050-754) Sample Questions (Q30-Q35):

You are working at a terminal window of a server at the office, but you want to continue this work by remotely accessing the terminal session from your home office. Which command will you need to use to accomplish this?

  • A. bg
  • B. Ctrl-fa, r
  • C. screen
  • D. -tty-release
  • E. bg -term disconnect

Answer: D
What is the default port a VNC Client uses to connect?

  • A. DP 5801
  • B. DP 5901
  • C. TCP 5901
  • D. TCP 5801

Answer: C Explanation:
Explanation,Ja VNC by default uses TCP port 5900+ is the display number (usually :0 for a physical display). Several implementations also start a basic HTTP server on port 5800+N to provide a VNC viewer as a Java applet, allowing easy connection through any Java-enabled web-browser. Different port assignments can be used as long as both client and server are configured accordingly. A HTML5 VNC client implementation for modern browsers (no plugins required) exists too.[8]
Which Vim command will save the current file without exiting?

  • A. w!
  • B. w-no-exit
  • C. wq!
  • D. w
  • E. q!

Answer: D Explanation:
Save a File in Vim / Vi #
The command to save a file in Vim is :w.
To save the file without exiting the editor, switch back to normal mode by pressing Esc, type :w and hit Enter.
What is the command and options to remove repository number 4?

  • A. yumrepo -del 4
  • B. rpm -rr 4
  • C. zypper rr 4
  • D. yast repo-manag
  • E. libzypp --remove-repo 4

Answer: C
What is the first file executed by a bash login shell?

  • A. /etc/bash
  • B. -/.alias
  • C. -/profile
  • D. /etc/profile
  • E. /etc/profi le.alias

Answer: D Explanation:
Explanation When Bash is invoked as an interactive login shell, or as a non-interactive shell with the --login option, it first reads and executes commands from the file /etc/profile, if that file exists. After reading that file, it looks for ~/.bashprofile, ~/.bashlogin, and ~/.profile, in that order, and reads and executes commands from the first one that exists and is readable. The --noprofile option may be used when the shell is started to inhibit this behavior.
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