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CTS4112021 Reliable Test Answers & CTS4112021 Study Dumps

There is no exaggeration that you can be confident about your coming exam just after studying with our CTS4112021 preparation materials for 20 to 30 hours. Tens of thousands of our customers have benefited from our CTS4112021 Exam Dumps and passed their exams with ease. The data showed that our high pass rate is unbelievably 98% to 100%. Without doubt, your success is 100% guaranteed with our CTS4112021 training guide.

SAP CTS4112021 Exam Description:

The "SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP S/4HANA R&D Engineering" certification exam for essentials edition validates that the candidate possesses SAP onboarding fundamentals and core knowledge in the R&D line of business area required of the consultant profile. This certification proves that the candidate has an overall understanding and in‐depth technical skills to participate as a member of an SAP S/4HANA OnPrem with a focus on R&D in a mentored role. This certification exam is recommended as an entry level qualification. The certificate issued for passing this exam will be valid for 5 years.

SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP S/4HANA R&D Engineering Sample Questions (Q30-Q35):

You assigned a released characteristic to a class. What happens when you change the characteristic status to locked?Note: There are 2 correct Answers to this question.

  • A. You can no longer assign this characteristic to other classes.
  • B. This has no effect on the assigned classes or objects.
  • C. The characteristic is invisible in classes and objects.
  • D. You cannot change the status as the characteristic is assigned.

Answer: A,B
What do you have to keep in mind when overwriting characteristic for a specific class?

  • A. This change applies only to the characteristic, when it is used in this class.
  • B. This change applies only to the characteristic, when it is used in every class.
  • C. The status of this characteristic is automatically set to incomplete.
  • D. The status of this characteristic is automatically set to locked.

Answer: A
For which objects can you define a status network?Note: There are 2 correct Answers to this question.

  • A. Document info record
  • B. Change record
  • C. Material master record
  • D. Change number record

Answer: A,B
Which configuration process/scenario requires subitems in sales orders?

  • A. Order BOM
  • B. Planned/Production Order without BOM explosion
  • C. Sales Order (SET processing)
  • D. Planned/Production Order with BOM explosion

Answer: C
You work with cross-plant and plant-specific Product Master statuses. Which status has the highest priority?

  • A. The cross-plant status.
  • B. The most restrictive status.
  • C. The plant-plant specific status.
  • D. The least restrictive status.

Answer: A
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