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>> Salesforce ANC-301 Exam Reviews <<
As is known to us that pass rate is one of the most important standards when candidate choose the practice materials. The pass rate is 98.95% for ANC-301 training materials, and you can pass and get a certificate successfully. In addition we also pass guarantee and money back guarantee if you fail to pass the exam after using ANC-301 Exam Dumps. Free update for one year is also available, namely in the following year, you can get latest information about the ANC-301 training materials. We also have online and offline chat service to solve your confusions.
The edgemart transformation gives the dataflow access to an existing, registered dataset that can contain Salesforce data, external data, or a combination of both.
Where is an edgemart transformation specified?
Answer: C
In a dataset, there are multiple boolean fields. When displayed on any dashboard, the boolean fields should all be displayed in the same way: a value of true should result in the display of the word "Yes" in green; a value of false should result in the display of the word "No" in red.
In which two ways can this be accomplished? Choose 2 answers
Answer: B,C
The Einstein Analytics Plus Platform license is enabled for a Salesforce org and assigned to each user. However, these users cannot see the Einstein Analytics Studio in the App Launcher.
How can this issue be addressed?
Answer: A
What does XMD stand for?
Answer: A
Why are insights in the Unrelated category important?
Answer: D
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