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Used Books R Us sells books at its local store, online via its website, online via Amazon, and through a larger, well-known book company called We Sell Books. Which Sales strategy does this company user?
Answer: A
Universal Containers has set the organization-wide default to public read-only for accounts, contacts, and opportunities. Activities are set to be controlled by the parent. The ABC Corporation account is owned by a sales user whose profile grants create, read, edit, and delete access to accounts, contacts, and opportunities.
Which two actions does the owner of the ABC Corporation account have the right to take? (Choose two.)
Answer: A,D
How do I report on campaign success?
Answer: **
The Campaign ROI Analysis Report is available through the Reports tab in the Campaign Reports folder. It calculates your campaigns' performance by return on investment (ROI) and average cost.
What are two considerations for enabling multiple currencies at Cloud Kicks? Choose 2 answers
Answer: A,C
How are profiles important when managing security?
Answer: **
1. Profiles determine a user's permission to perform different functions in Salesforce
2. Access to custom applications is managed at the profile level
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