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For The Open Group OG0-093 Certification Exam here is the study guide The Open Group OG0-093: Get our quick guide if you don't have time to read all the page OG0-093 TOGAF 9 is one of the most popular and highest-paid certifications in the industry. The Open Group OG0-093 TOFAF 9 is a certification focused on the fundamentals of IT that aims to promote practices. This certification is the best source of recognition for people who evaluate and control the understanding of ArchiMate specifications. In this guide, we will cover The Open Group OG0-093 Certification exam, The Open Group OG0-093 Certification Salary and all aspects of The Open Group OG0-093 Certification. >> Reliable OG0-093 Exam Answers <<
The operation of our OG0-093 exam torrent is very flexible and smooth. Once you enter the interface and begin your practice on our windows software. You will easily find there are many useful small buttons to assist your learning. The correct answer of the OG0-093 exam torrent is below every question, which helps you check your answers. We have checked all our answers. So you can check the answers breezily. In addition, the small button beside every question can display or hide answers of the OG0-093 Test Answers. You can freely choose the two modes. At the same time, there is specific space below every question for you to make notes. So you can quickly record the important points or confusion of the OG0-093 exam guides.
Which one of the following best describes Capability-Based Planning?
Answer: C
Scenario: St. Christopher Consulting
Please read this scenario prior to answering the question
St. Christopher Consulting started as an accounting and financial services company. It has expanded over the years and is now a leading North American IT and Business Services provider.
With numerous practice areas and a multitude of diverse engagements underway at any given time, overall engagement management has become challenging. The company does not want to risk its outstanding reputation or its international certifications and CMM ratings. Senior partners must become team players, working to support the broader needs of the company and its shareholders.
The Enterprise Architecture team has been working to create St. Christopher's Enterprise Architecture framework to address these issues. The team has defined a preliminary framework and held workshops with key stakeholders to define a set of principles to govern the architecture work. They have completed an Architecture Vision at a strategic level and laid out Architecture Definitions for the four domains. They have set out an ambitious vision of the future of the company over a five-year period.
An Architecture Review Board has been formed comprised of IT staff executives and executives from the major practice areas.
The Chief Executive Officer and Chief Information Officer have co-sponsored the creation of the Enterprise Architecture program. The Enterprise Architecture framework is based en TOGAF 9.
As the EA team prepare to formulate an Implementation plan, they have been asked by the CIO to assess the risks associated with the proposed architecture. He has received concerns from senior management that the proposed architecture may be too ambitious and they are not sure it can produce sufficient value to warrant the attendant risks.
Refer to the St Christopher Consulting Scenario
You have been assigned to the role of Chief Enterprise Architect.
You have been asked to recommend an approach to satisfy the concerns raised.
Based on TOGAF 9, which of the following is the best answer?
Answer: B
According to TOGAF, which one of the following best describes an enterprise architecture?
Answer: D
Please read this scenario prior to answering the Question
You are serving as the Lead Architect for the enterprise architecture team at a multinational company. The company has grown rapidly by acquisition and has inherited numerous supply chain processes and related IT systems. Several supply chain processes have had problems related to the timing of purchases, which has led to excess inventory. The Vice President in charge of Supply Chain Management has made the decision to consolidate and reduce redundant processes and systems. The company will move to a "Just- in-time" supply chain management system so as to keep inventory costs low.
The TOGAF standard is used for internal Enterprise Architecture activities. This project is using an iterative approach for executing the Architecture Development Method (ADM).
At present, there are no particularly useful architectural assets in the Architecture Repository related to this initiative. All assets will need to be acquired, customized, or created .The company prefers to implement commercial off the shelf package applications with little customization. The CIO, who is the project sponsor, has stated that she is not concerned about preserving the existing supply chain management processes or systems.
The architecture development project has completed Phase A and has started a number of iteration cycles to develop the Architecture. As a packaged application is being considered, the next iteration will include both the Business, Application and Data Architectures. Key stakeholder concerns that should be addressed by these architectures include:
1. What groups of people should be involved in supply chain management-related business processes?
2. What non-supply chain management applications will need to be integrated with the new supply chain management applications?
3. What data will need to be shared?
Refer to the Scenario
[Note: You may need to refer to Chapter 35 of the reference text in order to answer this question.] You have been asked to identify the most appropriate catalogs, matrices, and diagrams to support the next iteration of Architecture development.
Based on TOGAF, which of the following is the best answer?
Answer: D
According to the TOGAF standard, what term describes an individual with an interest in a system?
Answer: B
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