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According to Little's Law, which of the following statements is true if a team reduces its Work in Progress (WIP) limit? (choose the best two answers)
Answer: B,D
What can occur if you were to reduce batch sizes? (Choose all that apply)
Answer: A,B,C,D
Which three statements best describe a Scrum Team's definition of "Workflow"? (choose the best 3 answers)
Answer: A,B,D
If new urgent work emerges during the Sprint, who must change the Work in Progress (WIP) Limits in the team's definition of "Workflow"? (choose the best answer)
Answer: B
Sprint Planning mainly leverages Throughput in order to create a forecast for the Sprint Backlog.
Which metric would be most relevant to inspect, during Sprint Planning, if you have some items left over from the previous Sprint?
Answer: A
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