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These are following steps for registering the Palo Alto Networks PCNSE exam.
A web server is hosted in the DMZ, and the server is configured to listen for incoming connections only on TCP port 8080. A Security policy rule allowing access from the Trust zone to the DMZ zone need to be configured to enable we browsing access to the server.
Which application and service need to be configured to allow only cleartext web-browsing traffic to thins server on tcp/8080.
Answer: B
An administrator is configuring an IPSec VPN to a Cisco ASA at the administrator's home and experiencing issues completing the connection. the following is the output from the command:
What could be the cause of this problem?
Answer: C
In an existing deployment, an administrator with numerous firewalls and Panorama does not see any WildFire logs in Panoram a. Each firewall has an active WildFire subscription On each firewall. WildFire togs are available.
This issue is occurring because forwarding of which type of logs from the firewalls to Panorama is missing?
Answer: D
When an administrator has numerous firewalls and Panorama, WildFire logs need to be forwarded from the firewalls to Panorama in order for them to be visible in Panorama. WildFire logs contain information about malicious files that have been detected by WildFire and provide detailed information such as the file's hash value, severity, and other attributes. This information can then be used to help identify threats and take appropriate security measures. Proper configuration of forwarding WildFire logs is essential for monitoring malicious activity and ensuring the security of the network.
To more easily reuse templates and template slacks , you can create term plate variables in place of firewall-specific and appliance-specific IP literals in your configurations Which one is the correct configuration?
Answer: D
A organizations administrator has the funds available to purchase more firewalls to increase the organization's security posture.
The partner SE recommends placing the firewalls as close as possible to the resources that they protect
Is the SE's advice correct and why or why not?
Answer: D
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