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In a story, you are on a New Model with currency translation enabled. Which properties in the calculation editor are available when you configure currency conversion? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
Answer: A,D
Which of the following actions on the date dimension are available in Value Driver Trees? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
Answer: A,B
Why would you use the SAP Analytics Cloud add-in for Microsoft Office instead of SAP Analysis, Edition for Microsoft Office? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
Answer: B,D
Your account dimension has an account for Profit that is calculated as [Revenue] - [Cost]. Which formula can you use to enter a value for Profit and have the system re-calculate Cost while Revenue remains constant?
Answer: A
Which activities can be scheduled from the calendar in SAP Analytics Cloud? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question
Answer: A,B
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