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For Development Lifecycle and Deployment Designer Certification Exam here is our preparation guide Get our instant guide if you don't have time to read all the page The Salesforce Certified Development Lifecycle and Deployment Designer are designed for those professionals who have the skills and experience to manage the Lightning platform development and implementation activities and effectively communicate technical solutions to commercial and technical stakeholders. >> Practice Development-Lifecycle-and-Deployment-Designer Exam Fee <<
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Universal Containers is about to begin the release of a major project. To facilitate this, they have several sandboxes to make their deployment train. These sandboxes are a mix of preview and non-preview instances.
What should the architect recommend?
Answer: C
Universal Containers has asked the salesforce architect to establish a governance framework to manage all of those Salesforce initiatives within the company. What is the first step the Architect should take?
Answer: B
What is the process used to initiate a connection for change sets?
Answer: A,C
Universal Containers is in the process of testing their integration between salesforce and their on-premise ERP systems. The testing team has requested a sandbox with up to 10,000 records in each object to benchmark the integration performance. What is the fastest approach anArchitect should recommend?
Answer: D
Which two groups are responsible for the creation and execution of Release Management processes? Choose 2 answers
Answer: C,D
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