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You have a planning model with the following dimensions: Cost Center, Account, Date, Version. When you add new transactional data to your model, you want to add new data for cost center A and remove any records for cost center B.
Which import method do you use?
Answer: B
What data sources are available for SAP Analysis, Edition for Microsoft Office? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
Answer: A,B
From which S/4HANA source table can you import actual data for cost centers?
Answer: D
In an analytic application you want to use a data action trigger. Your customer complains that the data action trigger pushbutton is too large. How can you address this complaint?
Answer: A
In SAP Analytics Cloud, where can users access data locking tasks?
Answer: A
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And in hindsight, the boo-birds are already out with regard to the deal, The ( increasing complexity of embedded and real-time systems requires a more premeditated and sophisticated design approach for successful implementation.
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