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It is normal for individuals and families that are affluent to have a wealth manager. Wealth managers are no different from other financial professionals except they are normally trusted to manage more than wealth. Some functions of a wealth manger are tax planning and preparation, avoiding losses, increasing growth, recommending financial decisions and overseeing investments. A chartered program for wealth management is offered by the American Academy of Financial Management, which is geared at equipping financial professionals with the necessary skills and knowledge that is needed to manage wealthy clients and wealthy assets and to attain a designation in chartered wealth management. In other countries across the world, these managers are an alternative designation to certify a financial advisor.

It is the expectation of most individuals when hiring a wealth 富途牛牛新聞 manager to consult with accountants, business managers and accountants in order to create a service that is comprehensive. This is because individuals who are considered to be wealthy normally require services that are very broad in scope and a financial advisor may not possess the relevant capabilities to meet these specific needs.