Forums » Discussions » India's “vaccine shortage” as coronavirus cases hit nearly 400,000 per day.


Even India It will have the largest vaccine production base in the world. But the supply of the vaccine against COVID-19 Of the country is lacking At the same time, the number of the most recent infected has risen to nearly 400,000 per day.

On April 30, 2021, Al Jazeera news agency reported that some states in India Has suspended vaccination against COVID-19. Due to the lack of vaccine supply While the เข้าslotxo country is facing a COVID-19 outbreak The most intense in the world Since the beginning of the epidemic

Today (April 30), India saw as many as 386,452 infected and 3,498 deaths, marking the fourth day when the infection exceeded 350,000 and the third day when the death toll exceeded 3,000. Daily

With a total of 18.8 million infected people and 204,832 deaths.

COVID-19 outbreak Within india Making the national health system in a critical level Most medical facilities Unable to accommodate additional patients Supply of oxygen cylinders shortage

In order to get India out of the crisis, the government has announced an expansion of the quota of vaccinated people. By allowing people aged 18 and over to get vaccinated from tomorrow (1 May) onwards

However, the state in India. With a large number of infected Like Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Madhya Pradesh. Including New Delhi Still can not certify that There will be enough vaccines And can the vaccination be scheduled or not?

In addition, the vaccination center in Mumbai. It will be shut down for 3 days from today (30 Apr) onwards after a shortage of vaccine supplies. Despite being the country with the largest vaccine production base in the world
