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Ordinarily, which of the following would not be an objective of an internal audit quality assurance review?
Answer: A
An organization has an opening for an entry-level internal audit position. When interviewing for the position, which of the following is the least important skill for an entry-level internal auditor?
Answer: A
During an audit of a major metropolitan museum, an auditor was unable to locate selected items from the museum's collection. The director of the museum informed the auditor that the upcoming replacement of the museum's inventory tracking system would address the auditor's concerns. What follow-up activity should the auditor propose?
Answer: D
Which of the following might alert an auditor to the possibility of fraud in a division?
I. The division is not scheduled for an external audit this year.
II. Sales have increased by 10 percent.
III. A significant portion of management's compensation is directly tied to reported net income of the division.
Answer: C
A company has recently incurred significant cost overruns on one of its construction projects. Management suspects that these overruns were caused by the contractor improperly accounting for costs related to contract change orders. Which of the following procedures would be appropriate for testing this suspicion?
I. Verify that the contractor has not charged change orders with costs that have already been billed to the original contract.
II. Determine if the contractor has billed for original contract work that was canceled as a result of change orders.
Verify that the change orders were properly approved by management.
Answer: A
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