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A customer needs lo replace an existing Dell EMC backup-to-disk solution with an HPE solution to integrate with an HPE 3PAR solution.
Which toot should you use lo begin your assessment of the customer environment?
Answer: C
Click and drag the steps on the left into the appropriate order on the right to set up an HPE 3PAR array in InfoSight.
Answer: **
Refer to the exhibit.
A customer asks you to design an HPE 3PAR 9450 solution with 64 3 84 TB SSDs using RAID 6 (6+2). The customer does not want to lose data It an entire drive enclosure Is lost
What must be added to the Bill of Materials shown to meet these requirements?
Answer: C
You are proposing StoreOnce as a new backup target.
Which features should you emphasize that will help the customer protect and recover data from external attacks on local data? (Select two.)
Answer: D,E
Refer to the exhibit, which reflects the Bill of Materials (BOM) configuration for one datacenter.
A customer needs a new storage solution of two HPE 3PAR 8440 arrays. The customer's environment consists of eight physical servers in each data center attached to the SAN and one StoreOnce 3540 system with two FC I/O cards. The distance between data centers is less than 75 meters.
What should you add the BOM to meet the customer needs?
Answer: B
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