Forums » Discussions » How to lower your blood glucose level FAST and keep it low


There are many tips that I could give you (and that I have already given you) to reduce your blood glucose, that is, your blood sugar levels. But lately I've been wondering what are the easiest actions to follow that would have the greatest impact on the health of my readers? And I have assembled it is ready for you. Each of the things that I am going to propose you can do easily, without risk and you will notice a positive impact on your glucose levels. If, in addition to lowering your glucose levels, you want to eliminate your diabetes completely, remember, you should focus mainly on your diet. Consume cinnamon. Cinnamon has shown in numerous scientific studies its ability to reduce glycemia in diabetics and improve insulin sensitivity in the short term. In addition to contributing to lower pressure, inflammation and other benefits. The easiest way to consume it is as a supplement in capsules. It is recommended to consume around 200mg before the biggest meals of the day. You can also prepare herbal teas with cinnamon or simply mix it. Avoid buying cinnamon infusions in bags, since instead of cinnamon they may contain only flavoring or contain a very low amount of cinnamon, which will be insufficient to perceive any effect. Walk 30 minutes a day. You have probably already heard that exercise is very important in controlling your blood glucose. The reality is that most of us don't take the time to do a conventional exercise regimen like running, cycling, or weight training. Well, walking is also an exercise and there are studies that show that only 30 minutes a day are enough to take advantage of the benefits that exercise generates to reduce blood sugar levels. You can introduce this walk into your routine, for example walking from one place to another instead of using a car or public transport, parking or getting off the bus further and thus take advantage of walking or just go for a walk. It's free! Consume these vitamin and mineral supplements - Vitamin B complex - Magnesium supplement - Chromium supplement - Biotin Each of these micronutrients helps with glucose metabolism (I have already mentioned some of these in previous emails), that is, they will help lower your blood sugar levels. It may seem like a lot, but think of it this way: if each of them can help you normalize your blood glucose, imagine what they can all do together! Also consuming them will take less than 5 minutes a day. With this, you will surely lower and keep your glucose levels low.


In lower-middle-income countries, the premature mortality rate due to diabetes increased across both periods. By contrast, the probability of dying from any one of the four main noncommunicable diseases (cardiovascular diseases, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases or diabetes) between the ages of 30 and 70 decreased by 18% globally between 2000 and 2016.