If you have the Cash App and are having trouble making a deposit, you can find your Cash App bank name, routing, and account number using the app's banking section. To do so, open the app and tap the account number underneath your balance. You can then copy and paste the information into your online banking account to make your deposit.
Once you've located your bank name and account number, you can proceed to enter your bank routing number. This information is crucial for processing your direct deposits and auto payments. You'll need to ensure you enter all the information correctly if you have multiple bank accounts. Fortunately, this is easy to do and can be easily found online. The ABA's website and Google are great resources for bank routing numbers.
If you don't have a Cash App card, you can manually enter the account number into the "My Money" section of the app. When you have this information, you can copy and paste it into your bank's website or save it to your phone's contacts. If you've forgotten your bank's routing number, you can find it by typing it into Google or Yahoo.