Forums » Discussions » How to Create and Access HBO MAX?


HBO MAX has become a well-known streaming service today in the streaming player market. It provides a wide range of movies, shows and other streaming services. If you want to get started with HBO MAX and looking for a complete setup and installation guide, then visit and follow the procedure of streaming with Hbo Max streaming player.
How to Create and Access HBO MAX? Go through with the given below steps: Go to and click the Sign up button. Fill in the Re-type Password and Username fields. In the Location drop-down list, select the country where you live. Enter your postal code. Click to select your gender and enter your date of birth. Type the characters (letters and numbers) from the colored box into the Word Verification field. Check the Terms of Use, Privacy Policy box after you read all the legalese. Click the Create My Account button and your hbo max account is created.