Forums » Discussions » How Celebrity is Celebrity


Celebrities are people who get parts in theatre, television or movies and are seen around the world in their starring role as whatever part they've been cast as. The reason they're famous is that they have done something great, but that doesn't entitle them to fame for their entire lives. Some celebrities continue working well into their old age, and these are the people who deserve to be revered and followed by others around the world, as they're continuing to make a difference in the world.

Nobody ever really thinks about why they enjoy reading about finneas address the lives of celebrities as opposed to the lives of normal people, as both are equally dull as each other until something major accidentally happens and they're a part of it. Celebrities are very boring outside of their chosen profession, and even the media has to admit that saying a celebrity is depressed because they were seen without makeup is creating something out of nothing. People still enjoy reading this news however, even though it's pointless and doesn't benefit their knowledge of the world in any way.