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Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I certification is an internationally-recognized validation that identifies persons who earn it as possessing skilled as a Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I. If a candidate wants significant improvement in career growth needs enhanced knowledge, skills, and talents. The Salesforce PDI Exam provides proof of this advanced knowledge and skill. If a candidate has knowledge of associated technologies and skills that are required to pass the Salesforce PDI Exam then he should take this exam.
The price of the Salesforce PDI Exam is $200 USD.
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A candidate may apply to multiple jobs at the company Universal Containers by submtting a single application per job posting. Once an application is submitted for a job posting, that application cannot be modified to be resubmitted to a different job posting.What can the administrator do to associate an application with each job posting in the schema for the organization?
Answer: B
A Salesforce developer wants to review their code changes immediately and does not want to install anything on their computer or on the org.
Which tool is best suited?
Answer: A
Which three process automations can immediately send an email notification to the owner of an Opportunity when its Amount is changed to be greater than $10,000? Choose 3 answers
Answer: B,C,E
Which code displays the contents of a Visualforce page as a PDF?
Answer: D
https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.pages.meta/pages/pagesoutputpdf_renderas.htm You can generate a downloadable, printable PDF file of a Visualforce page using the PDF rendering service. Convert a page to PDF by changing the <apex:page> tag.
<apex:page renderAs="pdf">
Universal Containers (UC) decided it will not to send emails to support personnel directly from Salesforce in the event that an unhandled exception occurs. Instead, UC wants an external system be notified of the error.
What is the appropriate publish/subscribe logic to meet these requirements?
Answer: C
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PDI Valid Exam Pattern: https://www.it-tests.com/PDI.html