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It took me the shortest time possible to write my essay regarding child mortality rate. Many children died under the age of five years due to several reasos.

The children found to die more in the third world. In the research proposal I highlighted the main causes of these deaths. Diseases like malaria were the greatest killer disease. It killed both the mother and child at birth. In the research proposal, I talked about HIV and Aids. I talked about this in depth in the research proposal. Careless sexual practices led to the fast spread of the virus. Engaging in unprotected sex contributed to the spread of the virus and unplanned children. In the research proposal and buy essays uk, giving birth without the supervision of a qualified medical practitioner makes the mother infected mother to transmit the virus to the new borne child. I went a head to write my essay addressing other factors like hanger.

Child deaths occurred in arid areas where water and food is very scarce.