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Reliable PEGACLSA62V2 Study Notes | Reliable PEGACLSA62V2 Test Testking

This updated PEGACLSA62V2 exam study material consists of PEGACLSA62V2 PDF dumps, desktop practice exam software, and a web-based practice test. Experts have prepared the PEGACLSA62V2 desktop-based exam simulation software. There are <a href="">PEGACLSA62V2 Actual Questions in the practice test to give you an exact impression of the Pegasystems PEGACLSA_62V2 original test.

Pegasystems Certified Lead System Architect (CLSA) 6.2V2 Sample Questions (Q65-Q70):

An architect wishes to route an assignment to the operator with a title of "Contractor" with the highest French skill rating.
What approach is the most appropriate? (Choose One)

  • A. Use a custom router activity that retrieves a list of all operators using obj-browse and then apply a decision table to filter by contractor
  • B. Use a custom router activity configured to execute a report definition that filters and sorts based on title and skill respectively
  • C. Use the standard "ToSkilledGroup" router, configured with the appropriate skill and job title
  • D. Use the standard "ToWorklist" router, configured to route to the value of pyReportContentPage.pxResults(1).pyUserIdentifier, which is populated by the previous flow action

Answer: B
ShipCo is a shipping company that is implementing a PRPC application to manage shipping orders. There is a group of operators who must not be able to open and view orders that were created before they started working for ShipCo, as set by the DateOfHire attribute in the LDAP system.
Which PRPC feature is most applicable to this requirement? (Choose One)

  • A. RuleSet Version Effective Date
  • B. Access Deny rule type
  • C. As-of Date Circumstancing
  • D. Access When rule type

Answer: D
Which of the following is NOT a typical use-case for the Package Work wizard? (Choose One)

  • A. To archive work items
  • B. To move work items created on a local PRPC system to a central PRPC system
  • C. To move work items that are part of the application itself
  • D. To move work items from a production to a test system to debug an issue

Answer: A
For an Access Group with two Roles defined as seen below, will the privilege, SensitiveInfo, be granted to this Access Group, assuming no Access Deny rules? (Choose One)

  • A. The privilege, SensitiveInfo, will be granted since the Admin role is evaluated last
  • B. The privilege, SensitiveInfo, will not be granted since Manager role is evaluated first
  • C. The privilege, SensitiveInfo, will be granted as the order is not significant
  • D. The privilege, SensitiveInfo, will not be granted since Manager role specified a 0 as the production level

Answer: C
Which of the following statements is most accurate about the Split-For-Each and Split-Join shapes? (Choose One)

  • A. Split-For-Each can only be used when iterating over a list of work objects
  • B. Split-For-Each allows you to execute different sub-flows whereas Split-Join calls the same process on different pages
  • C. Both shapes create separate Threads for sub-processes they create
  • D. Split-Join allows you to execute different sub-flows whereas Split-For-Each calls the same process on different pages

Answer: D
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