Forums » Discussions » Google Finds New Skin Tone Measurement to Reduce Product Bias


Alphabet's Google told Reuters this week it สูตรสล็อต was developing alternatives to industry-standard methods for classifying skin tones, which a group of tech researchers and dermatologists said were inadequate for evaluating whether or not it was a skin tone. Is the product biased towards people of color?

At issue is the six-color scale called the Fitzpatrick Skin Type (FST), which dermatologists have been using since the 1970s. It relies on this technology to categorize people and measure whether products such as facial recognition or smartwatch heart rate sensors perform as well. Same with skin color or not.

Critics say the FST, which includes four categories for "whites" and one for "black" and "browns," ignores diversity among people of color. Researchers from the US Department of Homeland Security during the Federal Technology Standards Conference last October.

It is recommended to abandon FST to evaluate facial recognition. because it does not show a good color gamut in a wide range of populations.In response to Reuters' questions about FST, Google took the first step of better measures and quietly stayed ahead of its competitors.


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