Forums » Discussions » Give Your Engagement and Wedding Rings That Extra Sparkle With a Homemade Ring Cleaner


Your engagement and wedding rings are some of your most beloved gems, but with everyday wear they can become dull and dingy. A few regular cleanings at home with a homemade jewelry cleaner can give them that extra sparkle and restore their original glory.

Most people don’t realize that they already have a simple jewelry cleaner in their pantry, medicine cabinet, or bathroom drawer! Many of the same ingredients used to clean and disinfect your hands can be used to clean precious metals and gemstones. The best part? These DIY cleaners are budget-friendly and feature common household items most of us have on hand.

A regular ring cleaning can help preserve your jewelry and keep stones secure in their settings. The goal of any cleaning is to remove any dirt and debris that collects on the surface of your ring, such as makeup residue, thick hand lotion build-up, and other cosmetic debris.

You can also take a few proactive measures to keep your jewelry looking like new, such as removing it before cooking or applying thick lotions, where food particles may get stuck in or cause a ring to discolor over time. Be sure to remove any ring before using household cleaning products or chemicals, as these can damage the base metals in your jewelry and may even break off a loose stone.

To clean your jewelry, mix half cup white vinegar and two tablespoons baking soda (both of which are commonly found in households) in a shallow bowl. Soak your ring in this solution for a few minutes, then use a soft brush to scrub any remaining grime. Rinse and dry thoroughly with a clean cloth. This method is recommended for tarnished silver and gold, but can be used on most gemstones, except pearls, as well. ring cleaner