Forums » Discussions » from that point on he couldn't sleep

But not everyone coped so well. "I noticed one of my colleagues sleeping in the torpedo room, he just put on his parka and curled up against the hull of the ship to go to sleep," Morison says. "I asked him what was going on and he said that 'one night I crawled into my bunk and I looked at it and I said, you know, this thing is just like a coffin' and from that point on he couldn't sleep in his bunk."

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The PUC annual test will be held by the Karnataka education board in the month of March. The PUC test is held in the first week of March. It will announce the PUC exam date 2-3 months before to the test. As a result, candidates have ample time to improve their preparation. Online and offline versions of the Karnataka PUC Exam Pattern 2023 are available. Karnataka II, PUC Blueprint Pdf 2023 On the board's website, applicants may find the Karnataka PUC Model Exam Pattern 2023. In the paragraph below, we have provided a direct link to download the Exam Pattern. Exam Patterns are crucial study materials for assessing students' performance and grades.