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CII Insurance Legal and Regulatory (IF1) Exam Sample Questions (Q91-Q96):

A firm of insurance brokers invite Stuart. an underwriter who handles its account, on a Caribbean cruise with his family. How should Stuart react to this invitation in order to comply with the Chartered Insurance Institute's Code of Ethics?

  • A. Accept only on the basis that the cost is less than £1.000.
  • B. Decline as this is against the Financial Ombudsman Service regulations.
  • C. Accept on the basis that this is an accepted business practice.
  • D. Decline to avoid any suggestion he is being compromised.

Answer: D
Harry owns a sports car valued at £1.000 and agrees to sell it to Ben for £500. Ben discusses this with his solicitor who states the contract is

  • A. unenforceable unless Harry signs a disclaimer acknowledging the consideration as acceptable.
  • B. enforceable but only if Harry does not refute the contract within six months of the contract date.
  • C. enforceable as consideration does not need to be adequate.
  • D. unenforceable as the consideration is inadequate.

Answer: C
A survey of a car repairers reveals a spray booth exists by an unguarded paraffin space beater. Also, a day's supply of paint is kept within the building and waste is removed daily from a metal bin. What will the underwriter perceive as the main physical hazard?

  • A. The waste bin.
  • B. The paint.
  • C. The spray booth.
  • D. The unguarded paraffin space heater.

Answer: D
What is the principal reason for which a proposer is asked by the insurer whether his car will be driven by anyone else?

  • A. To establish whether insurable interest exists.
  • B. To enable a loading to be applied.
  • C. To enable a discount to be applied.
  • D. It is a material circumstance.

Answer: D
The main purpose of the fair treatment of customers initiative is to

  • A. make firms more competitive.
  • B. build consumer confidence in the financial services industry.
  • C. apply fixed times for responding to claims and complaints.
  • D. ensure all firms have a similar service standard.

Answer: B
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