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It is well known that even the best people fail sometimes, not to mention the ordinary people. In face of the C-BW4H-211 exam, everyone stands on the same starting line, and those who are not excellent enough must do more. Every year there are a large number of people who can't pass the C-BW4H-211 Exam smoothly. But we are professional in this career for over ten years. And our C-BW4H-211 study materials will help you pass the exam easily. Candidates can benefit a lot if they can get the certificate of the exam: they can get a better job in a big company, and the wage will also promote. Our C-BW4H-211 training material will help you to get the certificate easily by provide you the answers and questions. The questions and answers of the practicing materials is correct and the updated one, we will also update the version for you regularly, therefore, you can know the latest changes for the exam. >> C-BW4H-211 Minimum Pass Score <<

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SAP Certified Application Associate - Reporting, Modeling and Data Acquisition with SAP BW/4HANA Sample Questions (Q41-Q46):

You are following a top-down method for your SAP BW/4HANA modeling project.What is your first task?

  • A. Determine if physical or logical objects will be needed
  • B. Collect reporting requirements
  • C. Check available sources in the SAP ERP system
  • D. Activate SAP Business Content

Answer: B
The Database Explorer in the Web IDE for SAP HANA provides a data file import wizard to create a table in SAP HANA from a flat file. What are possible actions after the system suggests the target structure?
Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.

  • A. Change the order of the fields in the target table.
  • B. Adjust the suggested data type of the target table fields.
  • C. Remove leading zeroes for a target table field.
  • D. Define sorting properties for a target table field.
  • E. Switch the table type between row store and column store.

Answer: A,E
Which node types are only available for graphical modeling of SAP HANA HDI Calculation Views (XS Advanced), but not for SAP HANA Calculation Views (XS Classic)?Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.

  • A. Graph
  • B. Aggregation
  • C. Rank
  • D. Intersect

Answer: B,C
Which of the Augmented Analytics Smart Features in SAP Analytics Cloud generates fully populated, multi-tabbed stories?

  • A. Search to Insight
  • B. Predictive Forecast
  • C. Smart Discovery
  • D. Smart Predict

Answer: C
Which recommendations should you follow to optimize BW query performance? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.

  • A. Use exclude functions in the restricted key figures
  • B. Use characteristic filters that overlap
  • C. Use fewer drill-down characteristics in the initial view
  • D. Use mandatory characteristic value variables
  • E. Use include functions in the restricted key figures

Answer: C,D
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2023 C-BW4H-211 Minimum Pass Score | High-quality C-BW4H-211: SAP Certified Application Associate - Reporting, Modeling and Data Acquisition with SAP BW/4HANA 100% Pass

The candidates who are less skilled may feel difficult C-BW4H-211 Reliable Exam Simulations to understand the SAP SAP Certified Application Associate - Reporting, Modeling and Data Acquisition with SAP BW/4HANA questions can take help from these braindumps, We provide the discounts to the old client and you can have a free download and tryout of our C-BW4H-211 test question before your purchase. At present, the overall strength of our company is much stronger than before.