Do you know what eczema is? Do you suffer from this condition, or does your child? If so, you know how unpleasant it can be to have irritated, itchy skin that just won't go away. There are ways to treat eczema so that it does not flare up as frequently. Read on to learn more.
Do not take a hot shower if you are dealing with eczema. Use warm water for a brief shower every day. If you use a soap, make sure that it is hypoallergenic and doesn't contain any scents. Once your skin is clean, pat it gently to dry it. Avoid scratching your skin in areas that have eczema. This will only aid in making the skin itchier and will increase the inflammation. It could also cause infection. If you need to calm the itch, try applying a cooling gel or moisturizer. Make sure fingernails are clipped short, as well.
Know what your triggers are so you can avoid them. Your triggers may laundry detergent, soaps, and dust. You should probably steer clear of any products that contain fragrances, chemicals or other unnatural additives. Choose pure and unscented products instead. This will help to reduce the discomfort of daily eczema flare-ups. Those who have herpesyl reviews eczema should not use a washcloth or body sponge when they are taking a bath or a shower. If you wash your body with such rough-surfaced items, the friction will irritate your skin. Skin irritation can lead to a flare-up of your eczema. To clean your body, simply use your hands to lather up.
Try to be aware of anything that triggers your eczema. Flare ups of eczema can be particularly unpleasant. It is important to know what makes your eczema worse. Do scented soaps or lotions aggravate your skin? Make note of anything that causes your eczema to flare up, and make a point to avoid it. Winter weather can cause eczema to worsen. Anytime your skin is exposed to frigid air, it needs a protective barrier to protect it from moisture loss. On any skin areas, such as the face or neck, be sure to heavily apply a moisturizer. Moisturizers will help you avoid dry and cracking skin because it locks in your skin's natural oils.
Keep your hands protected. Wear rubber gloves while washing dishes or performing another activity in which your hands are submersed in water. For further protection, wear cotton gloves underneath the rubber ones to reduce sweat and irritation. Use the cotton gloves while performing other activities, such as gardening and housework. Use ointments when using moisturizers. Ointments provide superior treatment for eczema as they help lock in the moisture by applying a protective layer. Creams and lotions don't work this way. Therefore, particularly in places where your skin is crack, apply an ointment.
Experiment with suntan lotions to find one that works for you. Certain sunscreens may exacerbate your eczema while others will not. However, what works for one person doesn't necessarily work for another. Keep trying them until you find one you can live with. However, be sure to just test them on a small patch of skin first. Don't cut off all exposure to the sun. Your eczema could be a result of a Vitamin D deficiency, so blocking out the sun entirely is not a good idea. You should be getting at least 10 to 15 minutes of sunlight a day sans sunscreen. Don't get any more than that though or you could burn.
If you have any of the many types of eczema, you should keep your fingernails cut short. Although individuals try to refrain from scratching the patches of dry, itchy skin, sometimes scratching is done as a herpes simplex reflex without conscious though. With shortened nails, it's less likely that the dry, delicate skin will be punctured when you scratch it. Should your eczema start to bother you, do not itch, no matter how tempted you are to do so. Scratching not only makes itching worse, but it can actually irritate your skin and even cause infection. Try to find other ways to deal with the itching; apply cold compresses to the affected area or use medications.
If you suffer from eczema, try not to sweat too much. Of course, certain sweating cannot be avoided. But, it is important to try to keep the skin cool. If you do sweat, say from a workout or a jog, be sure to take a shower as soon as you are done. Always preform a patch test. When you are trying a new product, it is important to know whether or not it will irritate your skin before putting it all over yourself. Take a small amount of the product and apply it to a small portion of your skin. After a few hours, you should be able to determine whether or not it triggers your eczema.
Eczema is not a life-threatening condition, but that does not mean that it cannot make your life miserable. Anyone who suffers from eczema knows just how unpleasant it can be when it flares up. Fortunately, you can treat your eczema by using the tips and information that you have read here.