Forums » Discussions » Facial Feminization Surgery: A Comprehensive Guide


Facial feminization surgery (FFS) is a set of reconstructive surgical procedures that alter typically male facial features to bring them closer in shape and size to typical female facial features. FFS can include various bony and soft tissue procedures such as brow lift, rhinoplasty, cheek implantation, and lip augmentation.

The goal of facial feminization surgery is to transform masculine features into a more feminine or nonbinary appearance. FFS can be performed as either a single procedure or as multiple staged procedures. Surgical manipulation of the bone and soft tissues of the face creates a feminine appearance.

There are many techniques used to perform facial feminization surgery, and many factors should be taken into consideration when choosing which options are best-suited for each individual. The procedures most frequently performed during FFS include hairline correction, forehead recontouring, eye socket recontouring, brow lift, rhinoplasty, cheek implantation, lip augmentation, and chin and jaw contouring.

FFS can help individuals feel more confident and secure in their gender expression. It can boost self-esteem and improve quality of life. However, it's essential to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon specializing in facial reconstructive surgery to discuss individual goals and options.