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2023 Exam HPE0-P27 PDF | Newest 100% Free HPE0-P27 Latest Exam Fee

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HP HPE0-P27 Exam Syllabus Topics:

Topic Details
Topic 1
  • Articulate the solution offering for GLQQ, Swift, custom, or cloud services
  • Describe the process for partners creating BOMs for custom solutions

Topic 2
  • Identify and describe key building blocks for the solution
  • Describe the process for partners designing GLQQ solutions

Topic 3
  • Describe the partner role in setting expectations for the post sales process
  • Articulate the HPE GreenLake value proposition (customer and
  • or partner)

Topic 4
  • Describe the process for partners designing HPE GreenLake Cloud Services
  • Identify customer's business objectives that would qualify a customer for HPE GreenLake solutions

Topic 5
  • Describe the process for partners designing SWIFT solutions
  • Demonstrate understanding of the HPE GreenLake portfolio

Topic 6
  • Determine the correct sales process and HPE tools (GLQQ, Swift
  • Validate the opportunity and qualify customers for HPE GreenLake solutions

HP Configuring HPE GreenLake Solutions Sample Questions (Q24-Q29):

Your customer is interested in HPE GreenLake solutions, but would like assistance with operating the solution and performing tasks such as monitoring, design, patching, and troubleshooting. You decide the customer is a good prospect for Adaptive Management Services (AMS).
Is this something you should explain to the customer?
Solution: Support services and required with HPE GreenLake solutions, but HPE does not offer management or operation services.

  • A. No
  • B. Yes

Answer: A
You recommend HPE GreenLake Management services (GMS) lo a customer, but the customer wonders if these services are realty necessary.
Is this something you should explain?
Solution: GMS helps the customer predict future spending to eliminate surprises

  • A. Yes
  • B. No

Answer: A
is this a best practice for making your proposal?
Solution: Focus on workloads and benefits instead of speeds and feeds

  • A. Yes
  • B. No

Answer: A
is this a best practice for making your proposal?
Solution: Do not include any pricing in your proposal

  • A. No
  • B. Yes

Answer: A
is this a way mat you can use the GreenLake Quick Quote (GLQQ) tool?
Solution: To obtain binding pricing for a Swift sales program solution.

  • A. No
  • B. Yes

Answer: A
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