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Which of the following services are key/value stores? Choose 3 answers
Answer: B,D,E
A company's fleet of Amazon EC2 instances receives data from millions of users through an API. The servers batch the data, add an object for each user, and upload the objects to an S3 bucket to ensure high access rates The object attributes are Customer ID, Server ID, TS-Server (TimeStamp and Server ID) the size of the object, and a timestamp A developer wants to find all the objects for a given user collected during a specified time range
After creating an S3 object created event, how can the developer achieve this requirementDOWNLOAD the newest TopExamCollection DVA-C01 PDF dumps from Cloud Storage for free: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1YXudheHVuFOt3MNDokwP2quvO864Zs67