Intriguingly, the science suggests the right and left deploy different tactics in their clicktivism, at least in the US. While it risks some over-simplification, research to date suggests that a predominant way that left-wing activists aim to spread ideas is via hashtag activism, such as #TakeAKnee, #TimesUp, or other hashtags publicising an action or cause. Meanwhile, activists on the right – particularly the far right, which Freelon argues has grown on US social media in recent years – aim for subtler routes. It’s known as “trading up the chain” and goes like this: plant a story, opinion or idea in a small or obscure news site, or on social media, encourage followers to share it too, then hope a bigger outlet with a bigger audience picks it up, and another, all the way up to major publishers or TV networks. อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม โรงเรียนวัดมะเฟือง
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You are very sincere in your article. ויזת מבקר לטורקיה Very good keep it up.