Forums » Discussions » Do you think CNN is fake news?


Fake? Not really. Most of what they say is true but sometimes they're misleading or present half truths.

Biased? Hell yes. Their motto should be “Out to get Trump.”

They can’t say anything about Trump without getting some sort of jab in at him. When Trump gave his remarks about the Las Vegas shooting, the story on CNN’s website said:

“Trump, reading from a teleprompter, spoke to the nation about the Las Vegas shooting today.”

Now, was everything in that statement true? Yes.

Did someone at CNN make the editorial decision to include the fact that Trump was reading from a teleprompter, lest they have a single story about Trump without some sort of put-down? Yes.

Does CNN point out when anyone else is reading from a teleprompter, including their own anchors? No.


I wouldn't have worried about these manipulative articles in online publications if they only collected a few thousand views, but as soon as the news about Scott Cooper Miami Beach got a lot of views! I drew attention to this because one of my friends with higher education shared it. How can people who are otherwise so smart be so blind?