A 14-year-old schoolgirl inดาวน์โหลด slotxosouthwest China's Sichuan province must be permanently disabled He was sentenced to 150 squats for sneaking snacks into a school dormitory in June last year. The officials promised to deal with the people responsible. after the unresolved dispute between parents and school It became a media attention not long ago.
Ren (pseudonym), a female junior high school student. A high school in Hejiang County, Sichuan Province, was hit by a student leader surnamed Mu. which is responsible for helping teachers to order punishment After discovering that she broke the rules by secretly bringing snacks into the dorm
Ren's mother revealed that the incident happened around 10 p.m. on June 10, 2020, when Mu and Teacher Liu checked into Ren's room. To check who secretly brought snacks into the dorm without permission.
Mu found a packet of snacks on Ren's bed. She ordered her to sit up 300 times, but Ren denied that the snack was not hers. And said that she had an ankle injury. Since she slipped in a school bathroom in April 2020, she was still forced to sit up 150 times. also in the event but not forbidden in any way