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The CNCF Certified Kubernetes Administrator exam conducts 4 levels of certification covering different areas of Cloud Native Computing. Charges vary by level with the highest level of certification being the only one that is required in order to obtain the CNCF Certified Kubernetes Administrator certification. Subjects to be tested for each level are listed below.Future changes to the certification levels and pricing are possible.
Get the exam guide for CNCF CKA Certification Exam CNCF CKA Certification Exam: Tips to survive if you don't have time to read all the pages The CNCF Certified Kubernetes Administrator Exam is one of the three certifications in the new Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) Certification program. The exam does not require any knowledge of programming or development work but focuses on an individual's ability to operate Kubernetes cluster infrastructure and advise customers on best practices for their particular use cases. Individuals who achieve this certification will become experts in developing cloud-native applications using one of the most popular open-source platforms in the world. CNCF CKA exam dumps have been designed to reflect all the exam objectives. The test covers the fundamentals of cloud computing while testing for specific knowledge of concepts such as virtualization and containers. >> CKA Valid Study Questions <<
So you rest assured that with the Linux Foundation CKA actual questions you will not only ace the Linux Foundation CKA exam predation but also boost confidence to perform well in the final Linux Foundation CKA test. With the Linux Foundation CKA pdf questions you can experience the type and pattern of the final CKA exam. In this way, you will be confident on the day of the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Program Exam CKA Exam and solve all the Linux Foundation CKA exam questions. The Linux Foundation wants to make the CKA exam preparation simple and quick. To achieve this objective the Linux Foundation is offering the top-notch and top-rated CKA practice test questions in three user-friendly and compatible formats.
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Change the Image version to 1.15-alpine for the pod you just created and verify the image version is updated.
Answer: A
Score: 7%
Given an existing Kubernetes cluster running version 1.20.0, upgrade all of the Kubernetes control plane and node components on the master node only to version 1.20.1.
Be sure to drain the master node before upgrading it and uncordon it after the upgrade.
You are also expected to upgrade kubelet and kubectl on the master node.
Answer: **
[[email protected]] > ssh ek8s
kubectl cordon k8s-master
kubectl drain k8s-master --delete-local-data --ignore-daemonsets --force apt-get install kubeadm=1.20.1-00 kubelet=1.20.1-00 kubectl=1.20.1-00 --disableexcludes=kubernetes kubeadm upgrade apply 1.20.1 --etcd-upgrade=false systemctl daemon-reload systemctl restart kubelet kubectl uncordon k8s-master
List all the pods sorted by name
Answer: **
See the solution below.
kubectl get pods
Given a partially-functioning Kubernetes cluster, identify symptoms of failure on the cluster.
Determine the node, the failing service, and take actions to bring up the failed service and restore the health of the cluster. Ensure that any changes are made permanently.
You can ssh to the relevant I nodes (
[[email protected]] $ ssh <nodename
You can assume elevated privileges on any node in the cluster with the following command:
[[email protected]] $ | sudo -i
Answer: **
See the solution below.
F:\Work\Data Entry Work\Data Entry\20200827\CKA\23 C.JPG
F:\Work\Data Entry Work\Data Entry\20200827\CKA\23 D.JPG
F:\Work\Data Entry Work\Data Entry\20200827\CKA\23 E.JPG
Create a nginx pod with label env=test in engineering namespace
Answer: **
See the solution below.
kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --restart=Never --labels=env=test --namespace=engineering --dry-run -o yaml > nginx-pod.yaml kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --restart=Never --labels=env=test --namespace=engineering --dry-run -o yaml | kubectl create -nengineering-f - YAML File:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: nginx
namespace: engineering
env: test
- name: nginx
image: nginx
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
restartPolicy: Never
kubectl create -f nginx-pod.yaml
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