Forums » Discussions » Choosing a facial skin care product


Talking about skin care, ‘facial skin care’ seems to top the chart. There are loads of facial skin care products available in the market. The most common facial skin care products are the ones that are used as part of daily routine. These include things like cleansers and moisturizers.

Talking about skin care,Guest Posting ‘facial skin care’ seems to top the chart. There are loads of facial skin care products available in the market. The most common facial skin care products are the ones that are used as part of daily routine. These include things like cleansers and moisturizers. Toners and exfoliation ones are well known too but not many people use them as such. The general classification of facial skin care products is based on the following: * Gender (so there are facial skin care products for men and there are facial skin care products for women)* Skin type (facial skin products for oily skin, facial skin care products for dry skin, facial skin care products for normal skin and facial skin care 【#香港醫美】Botox大解構!打Botox肉毒桿菌素 去皺 / 瘦面 / 瘦小腿 products for sensitive skin)* Age (facial skin care products for old and facial skin care products for young)* Skin disorder (i.e. facial skin care products for treatment of various skin orders like eczema, acne etc)So that is your starting point for choosing a facial skin care product that suits you. A good way to start is by determining your skin type first. Also note that the skin type changes with age, so the facial skin product that suits you today, might not suit you forever and hence you need to constantly evaluate the effectiveness of your facial skin care product.The facial skin care products are available in various forms i.e. creams, lotions, gels, masks etc, and a lot of people try to pit one against the other in their discussion on which form is best.