Forums » Discussions » Can Chinchillas Eat Cheese?


Cheese can cause bloating, digestive tract issues and upset stomachs in dogs. Furthermore, cheese may lead to illnesses which become serious enough for their wellbeing if consumed regularly and ultimately become fatal for your pet. Therefore it's wise to create a treat list which only includes healthy options such as shredded wheat, dry oats and sundried fruit as treats for your companion animal.

Chinchillas follow a process called caecotrophy that allows important nutrients from their droppings to be reingested into their bodies; for this reason they cannot consume dairy products such as cheese.

Lactose Intolerance Wild chinchillas don't usually consume cheese or any other high-calorie food sources like nuts. Although chinchillas do enjoy treats like cheese puffs occasionally, their consumption should remain within reason and be provided only as part of a balanced diet.

Cheese contains lactose, which chinchillas find difficult to digest properly and which often leads to uncomfortable symptoms such as bloating and diarrhea for their pets. This often leads to unpleasant situations for all involved.

Low-fat cheese has a caloric count high enough to cause weight gain in chinchillas; its calories roughly twice those found in hay (which provides basic energy requirements for survival). If you want to give them something as treats, a healthier option might include vegetables or leafy greens, raisins or even bread that has gone stale and is lactose free.

Bloating & Diarrhea A chinchilla's stomach isn't equipped to process dairy products like cheese. As the food passes through its gut unbroken, it ferments instead, leading to bloating and diarrhea as well as excessive gas production that puts pressure on their intestines, potentially resulting in rupture or obstruction of intestinal passages.

Cheese, with its high fat content, may exacerbate bloating and diarrhea symptoms in chinchillas. Their diet should contain less fat to reduce their risk of fatty tumors and other health problems.

Cheese contains many more calories than its normal foods such as timothy hay and pellets, leading to weight gain and obesity if consumed regularly by your chinchilla. Therefore, it is wiser to limit their exposure to cheese as much as possible.

Weight Gain Cheese can cause your chinchilla to gain weight quickly due to its abundance of calories; too much food is passed through its digestive tract leading to diseases like gastrointestinal stasis and even blockage of its intestine.

Cheese also presents another challenge due to its fat content. Chinchillas do not require much fat in their diets, yet cheese contains large quantities. This could cause gastric issues and diarrhea in your pet.

Avoid dairy products at all costs; instead offer your chinchilla tasty treats like shredded wheat, bananas, blueberries and strawberries, carrots celery cucumbers cooked potatoes pumpkin squash apples etc.

Gas Even healthy foods like sugar and fat can pose problems for chinchillas if overfed. Their digestive systems simply aren't equipped to handle large quantities of these nutrients and may become overwhelmed, leading to diarrhoea or even life-threatening bloat.

Chinchillas suffering from bloat may experience difficulty breathing due to too much room being taken up in their stomachs by swollen tissue, stop eating and may refuse to pass faeces, leading them to dehydrate quickly and malnutrition.

If your chinchilla shows signs of bloat, it is essential that they visit their vet immediately. Your vet may provide medication such as simethicone which works by decreasing surface tension between gas bubbles in their gut and passing more easily; also provide them with a diet consisting of less fats while increasing calcium and phosphorus content in food sources such as grasses.