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面對競爭激勵的世界,唯有考取和別人不一樣的證照,才可以充實自己,知識就是力量。購買 SAP CTHR832205 題庫,可以免費享受一年的更新題庫的售后服務,在購買前享有免費試用部分考題DEMO。我們提供PDF和軟體格式的考題,其中PDF版本可以列印,軟體版的題庫可以模擬真實的 SAP 的 CTHR832205 考試。正確率100%,考生可以參照最新的 CTHR832205 認證部分考題。

SAP CTHR832205 考試大綱:

主題 簡介
主題 1
  • Identify standard recruiting notification templates
  • Define and describe the zones of the Job Requisition Data Model

主題 2
  • Describe the methods of setting up interviewers, post interview ratings (including comments)
  • Explain Team Recruiting functionality, and create Recruiting Groups

主題 3
  • Describe the offer approval template
  • Define button permissions, feature permissions

主題 4
  • Describe the override options, configure application reference in Job Requisition Data Model
  • Job Requisition Enablement

主題 5
  • Enable recruiting postings, manage job postings, and manage credits
  • Review candidate screening questions

主題 6
  • Configure field permissions and job search filter search
  • Update Candidate Data Model fields

主題 7
  • Create pre-screening questions and questions libraries
  • Outline and define the Candidate Profile Template

主題 8
  • Configure ad hoc e-mails and e-mail triggers
  • Configuration options for background elements, the zones of the Candidate Profile Template

>> CTHR832205考試內容 <<

CTHR832205測試題庫 - CTHR832205題庫


最新的 SAP Certified Application Associate CTHR832205 免費考試真題 (Q33-Q38):

問題 #33
Which step is required to correct an application template to the job requisition Template?

  • A. Map the < application-status-set> in the job requistion template.
  • B. Configure a new application template with a new <template-name>
  • C. Correct the templates in form template settings
  • D. Map the application template name in the job requisition template

問題 #34
When using interview central, what is the hiring manager note used for?

  • A. To give instructions to the interviewers
  • B. To save notes about the interviewee
  • C. To invite the hiring manager to the interview
  • D. To inform the recruiter about the hiring managers decision

問題 #35
Where are the permissions to create status groups defined? Please choose the correct answer.

  • A. In the permission section of the JRDM template
  • B. In the Manage Permissions Roles in the Admin Center
  • C. In Provisioning--> Company Settings
  • D. In the override section of the CDM template

問題 #36
Where do the headers and footers included in the Job requisition template appear?

  • A. At the top and bottom of the Job Application
  • B. At the top and bottom of the Recruiting Marketing application
  • C. At the top and bottom of the Career Portal page
  • D. At the top and bottom of the Job Description

問題 #37
Where is the candidate status set configured? Please choose the correct answer.

  • A. Admin Center > Edit Applicant Statuses
  • B. Admin Center > Manage Recruiting Settings
  • C. Directly on the Job Requisition
  • D. In Recruiting Tab -> Detailed candidate's view

問題 #38
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