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SAP Certified Development Associate - SAP Customer Data Platform Sample Questions (Q62-Q67):

Which of the following roles for console users are available in SAP Customer Data Platform? Note: There are
3 correct answers to this question.

  • A. Customer Service Representative\W EXACTPREP"
    #1 Certification Exam Roadmap
  • B. Marketeer
  • C. DPO Specialist
  • D. System Administrator
  • E. Delegated Administrator

Answer: B,C,D
Which matching rules does SAP Customer Data Platform preconfigure for both the Contextual Profile view and the Unified Profile view? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.

  • A. Master Data ID
  • B. CRM ID
  • C. CDC ID
  • D. CIAM ID
  • E. C4C ID

Answer: A,B,D
Why does SAP Customer Data Platform provide two views of the customer?

  • A. To provide customer activities in one view and profile data in another
  • B. To provide one profile for marketing and another for personalization
  • C. To provide one unified customer profile with two different processing purposes
  • D. To provide the right profile for every customer experience use-case

Answer: B
You want to see the total sum of all customer orders for the last 60 days. What is the best way to do this in SAP Customer Data Platform?

  • A. By using Sum segment
  • B. By using Sum reduce array
  • C. By using Sum activity indicator
  • D. By using Sum group

Answer: C
What is the purpose of extensions in SAP Customer Data Platform?

  • A. They are used to provide a low code option for advanced validation and enrichment.
  • B. They are used to accelerate creation of applications and test connectivity to those applications.
  • C. They are used to add custom transformations during data mapping in events or actions.
  • D. They are used to enrich group entity data as part of the data enricher application configuration.

Answer: A
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