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Topic Areas | Topic Details, Courses, Books | Weighting |
SAP S/4HANA Integration | Build SAP S/4HANA Finance for group reporting, and SAP BW imports and exports. SACP30 (SAC 2022.8) | > 12% |
Data actions and allocation processes | Configure, use, and schedule data actions and allocations. SACP20 (SAC 2022.8) | > 12% |
Introduction, dimensions, and planning models | Design, build, and maintain dimensions and models to meet various planning requirements. SACP20 (SAC 2022.8) | > 12% |
Integrated Planning Overview & SAP BW Integration | Analyze and explain planning integration, delivered content, and planning connections. SACP30 (SAC 2022.8) | > 12% |
Forecasting, collaboration, and process control | Use and configure predictive forecast, smart predict, rolling forecasts, and value driver trees. SACP20 (SAC 2022.8) | > 12% |
>> C-SACP-2208 Training Material <<
Success in the SAP C-SACP-2208 exam paves the way toward high-paying jobs, promotions, and skills verification. Hundreds of SAP C-SACP-2208 test takers do not get success because of using SAP C-SACP-2208 outdated dumps. Due to failure, they lose money, time, and confidence. All these losses can be prevented by using updated and real C-SACP-2208 exam.
What node types can be imported from S/4HANA? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
Answer: A,C,E
Which of the following SAP Business Warehouse variable types can be used when importing data to SAP
Analytics Cloud? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
Answer: B,C
You are planning with two hierarchies that have different granularity. Your model contains no data. The story
has two pages: a parent planning page and a member planning page (see screenshot). In the Member Planning
page you enter the following data: Brazil 100 Chile 100 Peru 100. In the Parent Planning page you enter the
following data: North America 10000 South America 30000. When you go back to the Member Planning
page, what will you see? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
Answer: C,D
Which hierarchy types are supported in an SAP Analytics Cloud dimension?
Answer: C
In a story, how can you create a chart to compare versions? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
Answer: C,D
If you study on our C-SACP-2208 study engine, your preparation time of the C-SACP-2208 exam will be greatly shortened. Firstly, the important knowledge has been picked out by our professional experts. You just need to spend about twenty to thirty hours before taking the Real C-SACP-2208 Exam. Also, our workers have made many efforts on the design of the system. You will never feel bored when you study on our C-SACP-2208 preparation materials. You will find learning can also be a pleasant process.
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