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NetApp NS0-303 Exam Topics:

Section Objectives
Troubleshooting - Describe monitoring tools for hybrid cloud
- Describe NetApp hybrid cloud solution troubleshooting
Security - Describe data security concepts
- Identify data compliance concepts
NetApp Hybrid Cloud Fundamentals - Identify networking concepts
- Identify compute concepts
- Identify hybrid cloud storage fundamentals
- Describe how to automate configurations
- Describe availability concepts
Implementation - Identify how to provision CVO
- Identify how to provision CVS or ANF
- Identify how to provision a NetApp StorageGRID solution
- Identify how to provision NetApp cloud management tools

NetApp NS0-303 Exam Certification Details:

Exam Name Hybrid Cloud Administrator
Exam Code NS0-303 NCHCAD
Sample Questions NetApp NS0-303 Sample Questions
Number of Questions 60
Duration 90 minutes

>> NS0-303 Sample Questions Pdf <<

Network Appliance NS0-303 Valid Exam Materials & Valid NS0-303 Exam Cost

If your budget is limited, but you need complete exam material. Then you can try the PracticeVCE's Network Appliance NS0-303 exam training materials. PracticeVCE can escort you to pass the IT exam. Training materials of PracticeVCE are currently the most popular materials on the internet. NS0-303 Exam is a milestone in your career. In this competitive world, it is more important than ever. We guarantee that you can pass the exam easily. This certification exam can also help you tap into many new avenues and opportunities. This is really worth the price, the value it creates is far greater than the price.

Network Appliance NetApp Certified Hybrid Cloud - Administrator Sample Questions (Q31-Q36):

After deploying Cloud Volumes ONTAP in AWS, you notice a high CPU warning that is reported by Amazon CloudWatch.
In this scenario, what should you do?

  • A. Ignore this warning, the alarm Is not relevant.
  • B. Change Amazon Elastic Block Storage (Amazon EBS) disks.
  • C. Upgrade Cloud Volumes ONTAP to the latest version.
  • D. Change the instance size to avoid this warning.

Answer: C
When creating iSCSI LUNs on Cloud Volumes ONTAP, which two statements are true? (Choose two.)

  • A. The Host Utilities should be installed on the host.
  • B. You must ensure that you have an aggregate with sufficient space.
  • C. You must have already created an igroup for the LUN.
  • D. The Host Utilities must not yet be installed and will be configured from System Manager.

Answer: B,C
A customer has configured a replication policy of a mirror-vault type to replicate data between a volume in their ONTAP cluster and Cloud Volumes ONTAP instance. They have configured the relationship between the source and the destination volumes and also set up a replication schedule. However, the replication falls.
In this scenario, what caused this problem?

  • A. The time difference between the ONTAP cluster and the Cloud Volumes ONTAP Instance Is more than five minutes.
  • B. A custom schedule is not supported.
  • C. Snapshot copies cannot be used for a SnapVault replication.
  • D. The labels for the source volume Snapshot copies do not match the label in the SnapVault policy.

Answer: D
Why would you want to schedule the shut down and restart of Cloud Volumes ONTAP?

  • A. to lower compute costs
  • B. to lower capacity costs
  • C. to earn Azure credits
  • D. to Increase the throughput

Answer: A
Click the Exhibit button.

You are deploying Cloud Volumes ONTAP in HA mode for AWS. You are using the standard license that has a capacity limit of 10 TB.
Referring to the exhibit, how much more capacity would satisfy the maximum license limit?

  • A. 2 TB of storage on each node
  • B. 8 TB of storage on each node
  • C. 6 TB of storage for the HA pair
  • D. 2 TB of storage for the HA pair

Answer: D
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